Proceeds benefit Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens
Tour benefits Heritage Gardens
Mansions on South Hill will be opened to public on Saturday
A volunteer group formed to support the Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens on Spokane's lower South Hill has organized a tour of four lavish mansions on Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. to benefit the gardens.
The four mansions in the same neighborhood as the gardens were built for well-off residents – a U.S. senator, a physician, an attorney and a banker – during the first half of the 20th century.
Proceeds will go to support the heritage gardens, which were restored over the past decade from the ruins of former estate gardens first planted in 1889. The heritage gardens in Pioneer Park at Seventh Avenue and Stevens Street were opened to the public a year ago. The Friends of the Moore-Turner Heritage Gardens are working on maintaining the site.
Where: Homes at 503 W. Sumner Ave., 603 W. Sumner Ave., 726 W. Sumner Ave. and 708 W. Cliff Drive, Spokane
Tickets: $15, available at the homes