Saturday, October 25, 2008

INB Not Loaning on Income Property

Inland Northwest Bank (INB) says they're not interested in new income property loans and mortgages.
Bankers are cautious, but still OK loans
Borrowers said to be ‘hunkered down;’ income-property loans tighten
By  Richard Ripley
With the financial markets in turmoil, businesspeople here will be watching to see whether their friendly banker still will be so chummy, but bankers here say that while they might be a bit more cautious, they’re not going to snub solid would-be borrowers

Randall L. Fewel, president and CEO of Inland Northwest Bank, says he believes that all of Spokane’s banks are prepared and ready to make loans to small businesses, although loan demand is down right now.

As for INB, he says, “We’re not interested in making income-property loans, for hotels, motels, strip malls, or apartment buildings. We’re not interested in land-acquisition and development loans. The regulators are looking very hard at that kind of lending and at what part of your portfolio that makes up. When the economy is tough, income property can really be stressed.”

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