Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hopefully Good For Spokane Real Estae

I hope technology will show off all the benefits Spokane has to offer and boost the real estate market here.
clipped from

Craig: on change, democracy and technology

Craigslist founder sees opportunity in economic crisis

NEW YORK -- Craigslist founder Craig Newmark sees light at the end of this economic downturn, with technology and teamwork serving as sparks for a recovery.

"Our system of representative democracy, with its flaws, works OK. What's different now is the Internet makes this grassroots democracy possible on a large scale," said Newmark, an avid supporter of President-elect Obama, during an appearance Wednesday at the Real Estate Connect conference in New York City.

"Instead of thousands of people getting involved, we can get millions and maybe tens of millions involved, and that's just beginning to happen. It's a start."

He added, "I see the beginning of people working together, actually from the bottom up, to support some of the programs that we're going to need to get the country back on track."

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