Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spokane Real Estate Foreclosures Down

Spokane real estate foreclosures are down and are at a significantly lower rate than in other parts of the State. This bodes well for the price of your home in Spokane.
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Foreclosures drop in Spokane, soar in Kootenai County

Bert Caldwell
The Spokesman-Review

The April home foreclosure rate in Kootenai County jumped 52 percent from March, and almost five-fold from last April, according to statistics released Wednesday by RealtyTrac Inc., an online marketplace for foreclosed properties.

In Spokane, meanwhile, foreclosures dropped significantly month-over-month and year-over-year.

Only 53 Spokane County homes were either bank-owned or subject to a trustee sale notice. That’s down from 70 in March and 125 last April. The rate of one home per 3,680 was 24 percent lower than the rate for March, and 57 percent lower than last April’s rate.

The Spokane County rate was one-quarter the one-per-817 homes for all of Washington, which ranked 26th among the states. Fewer homes were bank-owned or subject to trustee sale notice than in March, but the total, 3,359, was up one-third from last April.

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