Sunday, March 8, 2009

I strongly Recommend Radon Tests

When you are buying
Spokane real estate I strongly recommend you have a radon test performed.
clipped from
March 7, 2009 in News, City

Radon still a problem in Spokane region

John Stucke
The Spokesman-Review

The Spokane region – including Kootenai County – is a hot spot for radon, the colorless, odorless, naturally occurring gas ranked as the second-leading cause of lung cancer, behind smoking, in the United States.

State and local health officials believe 60 percent of the homes in Spokane County have elevated levels of radon based on the testing of thousands of homes over the years. Today they worry such testing has grown lax and that the threat posed by radon has dropped from the public health debate.

“Let’s face it: To have radiation decay in your lungs is not good for you. As I tell people, if I were moving to Spokane, I would absolutely make any real estate transaction contingent upon having a satisfactory radon test.”

Most builders embraced the radon measures, LaScuola said. The work is relatively easy, with the right fill material and pipes placed before the foundation is even poured.

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